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Rinduuuuuuuuuuuuu. Hai Hadi XD |
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Why you should start speaking in English.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I'm writing this one
as I pause from doing my work
because I have no idea how to explain on positioning map
it's a business management thing
cause i'm doing my extended essay in business
extended essay is some sort of mini thesis
you need to do research
on whatever subject you choose
i have works
lots of them
yet i choose to write this
because i want to share with you
how miserable my mind is
i think a lot
but i express little
only if you can read my mind
i'm sure you're going to be mad
because i think not only about my studies
also about the world
about humans
about you
about life
about how everything works
and why it doesn't
about the reason of your smile
and the reason of your lie
maybe you can say i like to judge people
but i can assure you
i'm not bad in judging
because i'm quite sensitive
especially to little, little things
things that people overlook
i can see your sadness behind your smile
i can see the truth behind your lie
maybe because i can empathize you
or maybe because i'm just full of myself
being too ignorant and too proud of myself
to even to look at the truth
but still
what is truth anyway
man, look at what TOK has done to me
well, truth can be relative
truth can be anything
truth can be you
but nah
let's talk about sky
i haven't seen a clear sky ever since the haze started
it's a sad thing, you know
haze, haze,
the damage is done
wear mask
stay indoors
that's what my sisters told me
wear mask
stay indoors
can I go to Hogwarts now?
i'd like to learn how to make a patronus charm
had to google the word 'patronus'
because I mispelled it as 'patronas'
haha funny
can I go to Hogwarts now?
i'd like to learn how to make a feather fly
or riding a broomstick
that would be fun
i can ride broomstick to kelantan
don't have to buy flight tickets anymore
very expensive
feel dizzy yet?
reading my thoughts?
told you
i can go from one topic to another really fast
i forgot to time myself
how long it takes to write this
back to reality
gotta do my homework now
because it doesn't know how to do it by itself
oh well
-written straight from my mind, not edited except to correct some grammar errors-
Friday, October 16, 2015
Sekarang dah masuk blok ketiga belajar which means that dah 7 minggu di USM sejak hari mendaftar. So far, life in USM okay lah. Okay2 jer. Tapi hari demi hari makin gembira sebab makin dapat ramai kawan. Makin expose dengan hidup kelate ni. Yes kena admit lah yang ore kelate ni ada jah baik dengan buruknya.
But let me highlight things that make me unhomesick here in USM Kube Kerie
1) Roomates gilas
Alhamdulillah sangat dapat roomate yang gila, bukan gila macam kat rumah bahagia tu tapi gila as in bising2. Jap, ada lah jugak sikit2 ciri2 orang gila di rumah bahagia. Bahaha. Tpi diorang ni bukan bising2 saje. Bila study jer fokus sangat. Sya yang dalam bilik tu pon dah menggeletaq sebab rasa paling malaih study. Setakat ni happy jer hidup dengan diorang. Tak ada lagi episod drama tv3: hidupku seperti bunga layu di tasik madu (sape yang pergi mbb rekreasi faham)
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from left: imamah, rini and fariha |
2)Senior baik2
Ni serius betol. Waktu first masuk dulu senior Pasum med even belanja kitaorg makan kfc. hewhew. Seronok lah kan orang belanja. Lepas tu dapat tips2 berguna lagi. Berkurang lah homesicknya walaupun home tak beberapa nak jauh sangat. Most of senior Pasum Med pon orang hebat2. Pegang jawatan besar2 macam mpp, vice , pres itu ini. Macam wow jugaklah sebab diorg boleh manage masa dengan mantop. (Thumbs up)
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candid |
3)Kos sara hidup murah
Ni paling bersyukur. Seperti yang semua tahu, kat sini tak de lah wayang, mall2 yang grand meletop kebabom tu. Kat sini ada mydin jer haaaa. Haha. Okaylah kan daripada tak de pape. Kiranya lokasi USM ni membangun lah jugak. Banyak deretan kedai. Pizza Hut, Domino, KFC, Secret Recipe, Coolblog etc. Kira banyak jugak duit tu habis kat makanan and benda yang paling menyinari hidup student USM untuk satu minggu tu adalah pasar malam hari jumaat (lol. ye ke?) Pasar malam kot. Bau2 menusuk oesophagus. Makanan kat sini pon murah. Satu hari tu memang boleh sangat nak budget rm5 jer. Huihui.
InsyaAllah lah boleh survive di Kelate dengan selamat (Weyyh, macam nak pergi perang). Kat sini pon banyak program dan mostly program2 yang ada memang menjaga batas antara lelaki pompuan. That's a very good thing lah. Haa, ada sorang kakak senior cakap macam ni, "Awak mungkin tak suka awal2 kat Kelantan ni sebab tak biasa tapi lama2 nanti awak akan rasa duduk sini rasa tenang sangat" Kita tunggu dan lihat kayy.
All in all, Kelantan and USM is not as bad as I thought before. (Cehh, mcm x pernah duduk Kelantan) Im looking forward for more great memories.
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saje pinjam gambar Lingesh sat |
p/s: Doakan Sya dapat mengharungi hidup sebagai seorang pelajar perubatan dan Mierah untuk cekal menyelesaikan assignmentnya yang bertimbun timbun :)
Just sharing my 2 cents
Raja Syazwani
Sunday, September 20, 2015
The Awful Truth
Assalamualaikum and hello. Good day to everyone.
So, I came across a tweet regarding interview and exam results. Well, I think I should give my opinion on this matter. Here it goes. Bismillah.
The awful truth is no matter how good you are in extra co curricular activities during high school, your exam results matter most. All those extra things you do are nothing if your results are bad.
You must put your academic achievements as your priority.
It's okay if you like to do sports or involve in public speaking or any other extra co curricular activities. It's fine! These things will build up your skills and it's gonna be useful in the future.
But, you really need to work hard in your studies too.
You see, nowadays, there are a lot of people who manage to get straight A's in SPM. For scholarship sponsors, of course they would prioritize those with straight A's (I'm not saying that you can't get a scholarship if you have a B etc, it depends on the course that you want).
So, when is the 'future' I said earlier?
After they sort students with good results, only then they will be looking at your skills, usually by interviewing you. If you have great communication skills or great social skills, that would be awesome.
In the end of the day, you need to have a good result first, then everything else will fit in.
But also, in the end of the day, rezeki Allah yang bagi, siapa yang tahu. Doa, usaha, tawakkal. If it is meant for you, then it will be yours no matter what.
My advice, play hard and work hard. If you spend a lot of time playing, then you should spend an equal amount of time on studying and working.
The truth is, throughout my years in high school, my exam results were not that good. But, I was satisfied somehow and I still am. Probably because I participated in extra activities a lot. I gained a lot from it. I also had fun doing all the things I did. And alhamdulillah, I'm not regretting it.
And alhamdulillah, my spm results were not that bad.
Hm kalau mak cik nak bebel pasal ni panjang ni. Hahaha.
Yang penting;
May Allah bless us all. Amiin.
Mierah Aziz
Dah ada kat kelantaaaan. Wuhuuuuu ;)
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Movie Spoilers
Mierah Aziz.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Throwback sikit2
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this is soooo innocent |
kita blurr2 kan sikit sebab kitaorg mmg blurr |
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mock iv |
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this is when diorg sanggup tunggu sampai petang sebab wani tinggal sorg2 |
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ehhh, sape kena denda tu??? hehehe *evil face* |
mat ri ye! |
geng seni yang cun lagi hot. haha p/s: seni ke???? |
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my one and only Mierah Aziz |
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thx korg belanja makan. laen kali buat lagi. >.< |
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zee--haishh--tuhh untk sem 1 |
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ekss--haishhh--tuuh untuk sem 2 |
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its halim's fault the girls look so short esp me. Haish |
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#menantupilihanmakawak haha |
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Kami memang kuat makan |
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Systole Diastole My up and down during PASUM |
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asmidar sebab gmbr dia tak der kat atas |
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last event/khidmat di UM as a fasilitator pelajar |
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Survive PASUM?
Hyep. Recently, ramai lah jugak adik2 PASUM tahun 2015 ni tanya kat akak soalan sama je, mcm mana nak survive PASUM?!?!
Siapalah Sya ni kan nak bagi tips2 tapi I would like to share with you what I did during my PASUM life.
Waktu first2 dapat tawaran PASUM ni, actually tak tahu pon UM ni the best university in Malaysia. Hehe. Perasaan tu macam biasa2 jer lah kan. Tak de lah excited mana. Macam biasa, I googled about PASUM life. Some of it memberikan pencerahan lah pasal asasi ni. Honestly, masuk asasi sebab tak tahu dah nak pilih yang mana. Heee (peace)
Takdir membawa Sya ke PASUM. Awalnya dapat kolej 6. Perghh, best gila. Bilik 2 orang. Suasana tak bising. Loker besar. Best lah daripada duduk kat asrama dulu. Tapii yang tak bestnya, Pusat Asasi Sains tu - tempat kuliah, jauhhhhhh. huhuhu. Pagi2 dah kena turun bukit, lintas jalan, menyeberangi padang, lintas jalan lagi, naik bukit lagi then baru sampai kat PASUM tu. Memang peluh setiap hari. Apatah lagi kalau lambat. Haha. Thanks to that, I turun 3 kg kayy. (3 je pon)
Nampak kan banyak masa yang guna waktu perjalanan dari kolej ke PASUM tu? Sambil jalan2 tu, Sya akan cuba hafal sikit2 tajuk yang ada especially BIO. Jalan slow2 sambil cakap sorg2. Contohnya tajuk Puan Mahanom, animal biodiversity tu kan. Kan ada banyak nama pelik2. Chepalopoda , annelida, etc. Bila banyak kali kita sebut benda tu, automatically kita akan mudah ingat.
Dalam 3 bulan kemudian, semua pelajar asasi kena pindah dan dikumpulkan dalam satu kolej iaitu Kolej Ungku Aziz ataupun KUAZ. Jarak antara KUAZ dengan PASUM tu agak dekat lah. Untuk atlet jalan laju macam saya ni, kadang2 5 minit dah sampai. hehe.
Every morning, jangan lupa ambik breakfast. Makan sikit untuk bagi diri bertenaga. Kalau Sya dah makan pagi, Sya takkan makan tengahari makanan yang berat2 dan banyak. Sebab apa? Sebab nanti nak sambung belajar, otak akan lebih tertumpu utk memberi arahan kpd perut kita untuk mencerna makanan2 tersebut yang akan menyebabkan otak kita kurang memberi tumpuan terhadap pembelajaran which eventually membuatkan kita ngantuk dlm kelas. Im not saying I have never sleep during lectures. Pernah jer kadang2 tidur dari lecturer start pegang mic smpi dia kluar dari dewan. Haha. Serius tak tipu.
Perbezaan sem 1 dan 2, Sya rasa sya lagi banyak struggle sem 1. In terms of studying. Bila dimuhasabah diri balik, banyak cara belajar yang tidak efektif. Contohnya, Sya suka tidur lambat. Kadang2 pukul 4 baru tidur. Bila keesokannya, terpaksa ambik nescafe sbb nak bagi segar. This action actually tidak memikirkan tentang kefreshan otak utk absorb maklumat pada keesokan harinya. Betul ke tak??? Otak memang perlukan tidur sebab otak perlu menyimpan dan memproses maklumat tu. Waktu tidur lah paling penting. Tidur tak cukup, boleh membuatkan kita kurang menghafal, kurang bertenaga dan sangat kurang sihat. Certainorang , diorang akan tidur awal dan bangun pukul 3-4 pagi utk study. Kalau Sya, Sya terpaksa tidur pukul 2 pagi (the limit) dan bangun pukul 6. Kalau tidur awal, nanti mmg bangun lambat jugak >.<
Efektif notes sangat penting. Untuk bio, I will do colourful notes because Sya ni orang yang visual. Waktu lecture, apa yang lecturer ckp, tu lah yg Rasya salin. Bila balik bilik, tengok balik apa yang dia cakap dengan lecture notes yang ada. Untuk math, calculus mmg memerlukan sedikit visual tapi kalau algebra tu, jawapannya memang kena selalu buat latihan lah adikk oii. Try to approach tutor2 jugak macam Cg Raihan sebab kadang2 diorang ada cara yang lebih mudah.
Untuk Bio atau organic chemistry, biasanya Sya akan baca satu topik tu sampai habis dan cuba menghafal. Bila rasa dah 60% hafal, Sya akan ketuk pintu bilik jiran dan cerita kat diorang apa yang Rasya baca tadi. Bila Sya cerita untuk kali kedua, I don't even have to refer to any notes sebab semuanya dah lekat kat kepala. Tapi kena selalu ulang sebab kalau tak mmg lupa jugak. One more, time tutorial, cubalah explain kat depan. Kalau ada salah, tutor ataupun lecturer akan tolong betulkan terus tanpa kita membawa ajaran sesat masuk final paper.
Memang kadang2 tak sempat nak fokus kat kesemua lapan subjek yang ada terutamanya kalau subjek yang tak suka, lagi lah malas revise. So, waktu sem 2, Sya akan ambik masa dalam 1 jam sebelum tidur utk baca balik tajuk yang dh belajar pada hari tersebut. Ataupun baca nota lepas yang diambil waktu lecture sebelum masuk tajuk baru utk subjek tersebut. Kenapa sem 2 baru start? Sbb rasa serba salah kalau tidur awal, tutorials belambak lagi tak siap. Nota2 ni macam ubat tidur lah. hoho.
Apart from that, waktu sem 1, I was quite busy sbb Sya waktu tu pegang jawatan setiausaha untuk Jogathon. Waktu tu agak tak terurus diri ni sebenarnya sebab first time jadi s/u. So, bila tengok orang laen belajar tapi kita tengah buat minit mesyuarat, rasa macam risau tau. Risau tak study macam orang laen. Rasanya sebab tu jugak lah Rasya akan betul2 study kalau time study. Tapi tak dinafikanlah ada jer topik yang tak faham tu sampai final, Alhamdulillah, Allah tolong. Tak de lah tinggal kosong jer kertas tu.
This is Adam, presiden Jogathon. Hari tu pernah ckp nak letak muka dia besar2 dalam blog. |
Untuk midsem and finals, jangan risau sangat. Soalan tak akan lari dari skop yang pesyarah ajar. So, buat lah tutorials tu sampai khatam. Buat dan fahami betul2 setiap soalan dalam tutorials tu. Kalau boleh ulang sampai 2-3 kali.
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tolong menolong sesama kawan :) |
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cuba cari suasana selain dari bilik. Bilik= tidur. haha |
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Bukit Simen. Kalau stress belajar boleh lah nak exercise kat sini tapi kalau Sya once in a blue moon lah. hehe |
So, there are some of the tips that I can think right now. Mostly, my motivation during PASUM comes from my friends and parents. Untuk PASUMian, all the best. Don't ever forget to ask from Allah. May Allah leads your way.
PASUM 14/15
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Demam UPU
Hello uolls. So, as we all know, result UPU dah keluar.
So, everyone will basically , being busy with all the cop sana sini, medical check up and etc3.
I believe the feeling and acceptance towards the results of our university entrance might be different for each of us.
yeayy!! hoorayyy!! or crying all the time , blaming the past and so on.
Above all, we should say Alhamdulillah.
Here is my story.
My mom, she always wanted me to go for this X course since I was little because she knew my results were not too bad. But as I grew up, I realised how big the sacrifices that I have to make if I go for that course until I decided during my SPM year - I will never go for the X course. However, I din't told my mom about that, just in case I will break her heart or I might changed. So, I went for Foundation in Science at UM for almost one year, hoping to find my passion in one of the subjects that I learnt.
As the year goes by, as every exams that I have gone through, I really don't know how but I see biology as the one. Simply because I can understand it easily (with Allah, friends and lecturers help) and for every topic, I found and realised great things about Allah's creations. Every complex things that He has created- so beautiful and so brilliant. Until one day I begin to think about my contribution to the society. How can I do that?
By listening to my own mother sacrifices, my heart suddenly whispered to me all the good things that I can do. It took me one semester to really think about it- the negative effects and at one moment, I feel the peak of desire to go for that course. And here it goes.
Alhamdulillah, Allah grants me with the course that my mom really hopes that I will go for. Although I din't managed to secure a place in UM (I wanted it like crazy) . My mom told me that , we won't get everything that we want so we have to try adapting with it. ( :'( ) For that, InsyaAllah, for the years coming, I will pull my socks up, trying to achieve my goals and my family wishes. One day. Amiiin. #sispulangkekelantan
So, that's the end of my story.
Untuk kawan2 yang lain. Tahniah diucapkan atas keputusan UPU.
Sya tahu, dalam kegembiraan most of our friends, ada jugak yang sedih dan kecewa dengan keputusan mereka. Mungkin sebab tidak mendapat course yang diingini, tempat yang jauh ataupun ada yang tak dapat langsung. I feel so sorry for you.
Tapi kita kena sama2 ingat, kata2 yang sangat cliche ni : Hidup ini umpama roda. Kadang2 di atas, kadang di bawah.
Tak semestinya orang yang masuk degree ni berjaya. Tak semestinya orang yang tak masuk degree ni tak berjaya and vice versa. At the end of the day, semuanya terletak pada usaha kita sendiri. Sya yakin, apa2 pon keputusan Allah, itu yang terbaik untuk kita. Just have faith in Him and everything is gonna be alright.
Senyum sikit plis. Anda lebih manis bila senyum :)
Yours sincerely,
p/s: btw, doakan kejayaan saya. I hope I will be strong enough to face the years coming :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Special you
This post is specially dedicated to all the girls, ladies, women and myself.
Here is the thing.
I am tired of listening stories from my girlfriends about boys.
What is it about boys?
They cheated on you? They are trying to be 'friend' with you? Making your life misery? *sometimes*
I am tired of watching dramas dramas and dramas.
What is it about dramas?
Why can't you tolerate with each other? Why do you want to insult her?
I am tired of trusting people.
What type of people?
People who annoyed other people? People whom I dislike? What people?
I am tired of lying to myself.
I am a liar?
Am I lying when I said that I am happy with my friends? Am I lying about my own feelings?
What is it all about?
Girls, don't worry about problems.
Problems can be solved.
Girls, don't worry about being poor.
Money can be earned.
Girls, don't worry about friends.
True friends will never let you in troubles.
Girls, don't worry about being alone.
You will realise that you only have yourselves.
Girls, don't worry about boys.
Your prince will find you in the end.
Girls, don't worry about other people.
You live in your world, not theirs'.
One thing that I learnt a lot from my mistakes is that, you need to love yourself first before loving others.
Everyone can leave you at any time and
At the end of the day, you only have yourself to move on. Apart from Allah Who is Merciful.
So jyeah. Make yourself special in your own way and never loose yourself until you can't get yourself back. Cause I have been through those things and it's hard.
Think wisely and never let emotions lead you. After all, you only need to fight yourself.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Terbang atas tanah.
Cheering for my lovely Rasya.. Semoga bertemu inspirasi ;)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
K e s i l a p a n
Catatan Matluthfii & HundredHundred
Assalamualaikum w.b.t and good morning :)
Alhamdulillah, kita dah berpuasa hampir 2 minggu. May Allah bless us all.
Last week, I bought a few books from MPHOnline using Baucer Buku 1Malaysia (BB1M). Did you know we can do that? Yes, we can!
I bought an IELTS book, Digital Fortress by Dan Brown, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (FYI, I haven't read this one before) and Catatan Matluthfi by Matluthfi.
I have finished reading Catatan Matluthfi. I like the book, a lot. Matluthfi has the talent to turn something simple into something important in our lives. Adding to the fact that the book is humorous, Matluthfi managed to drawn me to think in another perspective.
Well, nowadays, good books and not-so-good books are being sold everywhere. Puisi jalanan yang entah apa-apa pun ada. However, Catatan Matluthfi is a good one. You should read it.
Have you ever heard of EnglishJer? Well, to make things simple, EnglishJer started as a twitter account which provides advice on how to use English in daily lives. We (his twitter followers), call him EJ. So, one day, EJ wanted to organize an event, called HundredHundred. One of the planned activities was pameran karya.
Pendek cerita, I sent my work to EJ along with another 250 people. Only 100 works would get selected.
The pameran was held at Publika a few weeks ago. And I was so happy and proud (still am) to know that my piece was put up for a show. It's an honour, really.
Jangan tanya kenapa Mirah censor. LOL.
EJ said maybe he would make a zine with all of the 100 works. Yeaaaayyyy!
Yours truly,
Mierah Aziz
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Untitled :)
Alhamdulillah hari ni dah masuk hari Ramadhan yang ketiga. Special tau hari ni. Rasanyalahh.
Hari tu baca dalam internet, salah satu cara nak tingkatkan tahap IQ adalah dengan menulis kerana ianya boleh merangsang kognitif otak. Bila dah tahu tu, terus terasa nak menaip. kann. Haha. Typical human.
Hari ni juga, Sya ambil ujian bahagian I lesen kereta. Punya debar mak ai sebab takut kena ulang. Kalau ulang, kena bayar lagi 28 hinggit. kenott. Duit tu baik beli top up. Hahaha. Alhamdulillah lepas minimum requirement. Cakap pasal top up, teringat lah handphone. My number cannot be reached, just in case any of you has contacted me as it has broken down. Yayy!! Rosak akhirnya. Tak payah pakai phone. Sape2 yang rindu tu, kalau ada contact Sya, maaf lah yer tak balas. *perasan*
Tapi2, bila tak pakai phone ni, rindu lah pulak dengan kawan2 fp, jtk, systole diastole, orang persendirian (tehahh, miyahhh) and etc.
So, handphone digantikan dengan adik baru. Jeng jeng jeng.
Boleh tahan lah ada kucing kat rumahh. Bestt. Terubat rindu dalam hati dekat seseorang. Hahaha. Acah2 jer.
Sekarang dah bulan 6, nak masuk degree , lambaat lagiiii. Bulan 9. Cuti masih panjang.
Cuti panjang2 ni banyak jugak faedahnya. Kalau kita buat perkara yang berfaedah lah kan.
Boleh main masak2 kat dapur sampai berasap satu rumah sebab hangus. Time ni lah nak praktis masak. Biar lah kadang2 masak menjadi. Kadang2 tawar. Kadang2 tak cukup itu ini. Sama lah macam hidup. Kena praktis hidup susah. Praktis cara nak adapt dengan orang. Semua kena banyak bersabar. Practice makes perfect kann.
Yang paling ketara sekali adalah masa Sya luang dengan keluarga. Kalau ikutkan, lepas ni ada ke tak lagi masa untuk keluarga terutamanya parents. Waktu ni lah boleh keluar ikut parents jalan2 sambil sembang2. Dengar cerita diorang. Lepas ni, tak tahu berapa lama lagi masa yang ada untuk bersama diorang. Either kita dulu atau mereka. Wallahu'alam.
I always think about it every time I want to tuck in myself in bed. How am I supposed to handle it when my beloved people are gone forever from my sight? I can't imagine how my life will be later on. Have I been a good daughter for all this time? Are they happy with my presence in this world? How can I contribute for them?
Sesungguhnya, dalam kubur nanti seseorang akan terputus segala benda di atas dunia ini kecuali tiga perkara:-
1)Ilmu yang bermanfaat
2)Amal jariah
3)Anak yang soleh
For that reason, insyaAllah, let us, each of us, change for good. Be a better person for a shimmering , glowing, sparkling and bright future.
So, this is a random post and I have tried so hard not to mix my language in a sentence, for some of it. Perhaps for a better writing. Nanti kena saman bawah akta bahasa , kanun 14, seksyen 5, nombor 8: pengunaan bahasa yang bukan bahasa. Okay, kena tipu. Tak de pon akta macam tu. *macamlah korang percaya*
Di kesempatan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, saya ingin meminta maaf kepada sesiapa sahaja yang mengenali saya samada rapat atau tak, kepada sesiapa yang terasa hati dengan saya samada saya sengaja nak sakitkan hati anda atau tak, kepada sesiapa sahaja yang terkena amarah saya tanpa saya sedar atau tak dan kepada sesiapa yang membenci saya samada saya tahu atau tak.
Maaf seribu maaf. Dua puluh jari saya susun mohon maaf atas segalanya. *termasuk jari kaki sekali* InsyaAllah, may Allah grants the best for us.
Just sharing my 2 cents,
M14D and Acheh
Alhamdulillah, haritu selesai sudah exam semester 2 bagi kanakkanak IB batch 1416 a.k.a. Averroes. Haaa kitorg dah ada nama batch. Okay. Maka, 11/6/2015, tarikh keramat keluarnya result exam tersebut. Harap redha ye semua.
After tamat semester 2, kami, kanakkanak M14D, telah terbang ke Acheh. Kenapa? Haaaa... for those yang selalu baca post mirah kat facebook tu, korang tahulah kot. Ni adalah Project Building Blocks of Life. A humanitarian project that we have been working on since last year. The main purpose is to collect fund to build an orphanage. Alhamdulillah, usaha kami berjalan dengan baik.
So, there, kami telah merantau ke serata Acheh. hehe takde la serata, tapi banyak la tempat bersejarah yang kami pergi. And of course, kami berjumpa dengan anak-anak yatim kat sana. Some of these orphans had lost their parents due to the 2004 tsunami.
But, that doesn't mean that they don't have future anymore. The orphanage manager, we called him ustaz, believes in that. He said, "Anak yatim yang sebenarnya ialah mereka yang malas, tak ada cita-cita." Burnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
We're so amazed by these kids. You know why? They were taught to have solid ambitions. We did asked them about their ambitions. They proudly stated what they want to be and they seemed pretty confident about their dreams. I mean, not even I can tell you that I want to be a doctor without adding 'entah' after that.
The Ustaz was superb. He really put education first, but without putting religious knowledge second. They earn my respect.
Apart from going to the orphanage, we also went to historical places to visit the remains left by 2004 tsunami. It was devastating. But it's also a reminder to us all. A reminder about Allah's power.
And of course, we had tonnes of fun. Hehehehe. Jangan jeles. Maka saksikanlah gambar-gambar kami berjoli.