Saturday, June 20, 2015

M14D and Acheh

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hey semua :)

Alhamdulillah, haritu selesai sudah exam semester 2 bagi kanakkanak IB batch 1416 a.k.a. Averroes. Haaa kitorg dah ada nama batch. Okay. Maka, 11/6/2015, tarikh keramat keluarnya result exam tersebut. Harap redha ye semua.

After tamat semester 2, kami, kanakkanak M14D, telah terbang ke Acheh. Kenapa? Haaaa... for those yang selalu baca post mirah kat facebook tu, korang tahulah kot. Ni adalah Project Building Blocks of Life. A humanitarian project that we have been working on since last year. The main purpose is to collect fund to build an orphanage. Alhamdulillah, usaha kami berjalan dengan baik.

So, there, kami telah merantau ke serata Acheh. hehe takde la serata, tapi banyak la tempat bersejarah yang kami pergi. And of course, kami berjumpa dengan anak-anak yatim kat sana. Some of these orphans had lost their parents due to the 2004 tsunami.

But, that doesn't mean that they don't have future anymore. The orphanage manager, we called him ustaz, believes in that. He said, "Anak yatim yang sebenarnya ialah mereka yang malas, tak ada cita-cita." Burnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

We're so amazed by these kids. You know why? They were taught to have solid ambitions. We did asked them about their ambitions. They proudly stated what they want to be and they seemed pretty confident about their dreams. I mean, not even I can tell you that I want to be a doctor without adding 'entah' after that.

The Ustaz was superb. He really put education first, but without putting religious knowledge second. They earn my respect.

Apart from going to the orphanage, we also went to historical places to visit the remains left by 2004 tsunami. It was devastating. But it's also a reminder to us all. A reminder about Allah's power.

And of course, we had tonnes of fun. Hehehehe. Jangan jeles. Maka saksikanlah gambar-gambar kami berjoli.

Sikit-sikit sudah lah. Malas nak upload. Yang lain tgk kat facebook atau twitter. Hehe.

Salam Ramadhan semua. Jangan lupa terawih ;)

Mierah Aziz


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