Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Awful Truth

Assalamualaikum and hello. Good day to everyone.

So, I came across a tweet regarding interview and exam results. Well, I think I should give my opinion on this matter. Here it goes. Bismillah.

The awful truth is no matter how good you are in extra co curricular activities during high school, your exam results matter most. All those extra things you do are nothing if your results are bad.

You must put your academic achievements as your priority.


It's okay if you like to do sports or involve in public speaking or any other extra co curricular activities. It's fine! These things will build up your skills and it's gonna be useful in the future.

But, you really need to work hard in your studies too.

You see, nowadays, there are a lot of people who manage to get straight A's in SPM. For scholarship sponsors, of course they would prioritize those with straight A's (I'm not saying that you can't get a scholarship if you have a B etc, it depends on the course that you want).

So, when is the 'future' I said earlier?

After they sort students with good results, only then they will be looking at your skills, usually by interviewing you. If you have great communication skills or great social skills, that would be awesome.

In the end of the day, you need to have a good result first, then everything else will fit in.

But also, in the end of the day, rezeki Allah yang bagi, siapa yang tahu. Doa, usaha, tawakkal. If it is meant for you, then it will be yours no matter what.

My advice, play hard and work hard. If you spend a lot of time playing, then you should spend an equal amount of time on studying and working.

The truth is, throughout my years in high school, my exam results were not that good. But, I was satisfied somehow and I still am. Probably because I participated in extra activities a lot. I gained a lot from it. I also had fun doing all the things I did. And alhamdulillah, I'm not regretting it.

And alhamdulillah, my spm results were not that bad.

Hm kalau mak cik nak bebel pasal ni panjang ni. Hahaha.

Yang penting;


May Allah bless us all. Amiin.

Mierah Aziz

Dah ada kat kelantaaaan. Wuhuuuuu ;)


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