Saturday, April 12, 2014

Antara debat dan debate :)

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - Kelly Clarkson , Stronger .

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and good day people :)

This is Nadh :)
So , on saturday , I went to mrsm pc to meet nadh ~ . well , she came to mrsm pc to help the debate team . gigih -.- haha which is good , don't get me wrong .

what I had in my mind was to accompany nadh and finish up the so-called bwp report . but , I ended up helping the debat team . ngeh3 . dah la mintak diorang naik sidang . kesian budakbudak tu . haha . macam bossy pulak . mierah aziz kann lol .

the pasukan debat went along well with me . macam dah lama kenal . haha .

mirah mula rapat dengan nadh pun sebab debat and debate . masa mulamula masuk kelas Nukman dulu , kitorang berbualbual la time cikgu takde . 

then I asked her , "Kau tahu debat tak ?" . 

She was like , "I'm in debate ." 

So , we're like , ohh really ? and talked about debat and debate sampai la cikgu masuk . And some of our friends mintak kitorang lawan tapi tukar language . Mirah debate , nadh debat . hahaha apakahh ? -.-

But of course , mirah tak setanding nadh . nadh terer ~~

I had fun with the pasukan debat . I wish I can help them again . like seriously . 

How can you not miss something you used to do with passion ? I've been in debat for 3 years . Debat taught me a lot . Debat taught me to be committed . It taught me to stay strong . Because if you give up , you won't be a good debater . Debat taught me to work hard and stay focus . Because if you're lazy , you'll lose . Daaaaaaaaaaaan banyak lagi . and tell me , how can I not miss it ?

Thanks to everyone ! EVERYONE ! :)

That is all .

Mierah Aziz .


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