Tuesday, October 20, 2015



I'm writing this one
as I pause from doing my work
because I have no idea how to explain on positioning map
it's a business management thing
cause i'm doing my extended essay in business
extended essay is some sort of mini thesis
you need to do research
on whatever subject you choose
i have works
lots of them
yet i choose to write this
because i want to share with you
how miserable my mind is
i think a lot
but i express little
only if you can read my mind
i'm sure you're going to be mad
because i think not only about my studies
also about the world
about humans
about you
about life
about how everything works
and why it doesn't
about the reason of your smile
and the reason of your lie
maybe you can say i like to judge people
but i can assure you
i'm not bad in judging
because i'm quite sensitive
especially to little, little things
things that people overlook
i can see your sadness behind your smile
i can see the truth behind your lie
maybe because i can empathize you
or maybe because i'm just full of myself
being too ignorant and too proud of myself
to even to look at the truth
but still
what is truth anyway
man, look at what TOK has done to me
well, truth can be relative
truth can be anything
truth can be you
but nah
let's talk about sky
i haven't seen a clear sky ever since the haze started
it's a sad thing, you know
haze, haze,
the damage is done
wear mask
stay indoors
that's what my sisters told me
wear mask
stay indoors
can I go to Hogwarts now?
i'd like to learn how to make a patronus charm
had to google the word 'patronus'
because I mispelled it as 'patronas'
haha funny
can I go to Hogwarts now?
i'd like to learn how to make a feather fly
or riding a broomstick
that would be fun
i can ride broomstick to kelantan
don't have to buy flight tickets anymore
very expensive
feel dizzy yet?
reading my thoughts?
told you
i can go from one topic to another really fast
i forgot to time myself
how long it takes to write this
back to reality
gotta do my homework now
because it doesn't know how to do it by itself
oh well

-written straight from my mind, not edited except to correct some grammar errors-

Friday, October 16, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hyep

Honestly, rindu sangat2 dengan kawan2 UM. Even since day 1 masuk orientasi, selalu dah compare UM dengan USM. Kira macam tak rela sangat lah masuk USM. Dah lah duduk tingkat atas sekali. Habis naik muscle kaki I (lol). Berat hati sangat macam lagu "separuh jiwaku pergi" tuuu but then apa yang kita tak suka tu mungkin baik untuk kita. Kan kan kan.

Sekarang dah masuk blok ketiga belajar which means that dah 7 minggu di USM sejak hari mendaftar. So far, life in USM okay lah. Okay2 jer. Tapi hari demi hari makin gembira sebab makin dapat ramai kawan. Makin expose dengan hidup kelate ni. Yes kena admit lah yang ore kelate ni ada jah baik dengan buruknya.

But let me highlight things that make me unhomesick here in USM Kube Kerie

1) Roomates gilas
Alhamdulillah sangat dapat roomate yang gila, bukan gila macam kat rumah bahagia tu tapi gila as in bising2. Jap, ada lah jugak sikit2 ciri2 orang gila di rumah bahagia. Bahaha. Tpi diorang ni bukan bising2 saje. Bila study jer fokus sangat. Sya yang dalam bilik tu pon dah menggeletaq sebab rasa paling malaih study. Setakat ni happy jer hidup dengan diorang. Tak ada lagi episod drama tv3: hidupku seperti bunga layu di tasik madu (sape yang pergi mbb rekreasi faham)

from left: imamah, rini and fariha

2)Senior baik2
Ni serius betol. Waktu first masuk dulu senior Pasum med even belanja kitaorg makan kfc. hewhew.  Seronok lah kan orang belanja. Lepas tu dapat tips2 berguna lagi. Berkurang lah homesicknya walaupun home tak beberapa nak jauh sangat. Most of senior Pasum Med pon orang hebat2. Pegang jawatan besar2 macam mpp, vice , pres itu ini. Macam wow jugaklah sebab diorg boleh manage masa dengan mantop. (Thumbs up)


3)Kos sara hidup murah
Ni paling bersyukur. Seperti yang semua tahu, kat sini tak de lah wayang, mall2 yang grand meletop kebabom tu. Kat sini ada mydin jer haaaa. Haha. Okaylah kan daripada tak de pape. Kiranya lokasi USM ni membangun lah jugak. Banyak deretan kedai. Pizza Hut, Domino, KFC, Secret Recipe, Coolblog etc. Kira banyak jugak duit tu habis kat makanan and benda yang paling menyinari hidup student USM untuk satu minggu tu adalah pasar malam hari jumaat (lol. ye ke?) Pasar malam kot. Bau2 menusuk oesophagus. Makanan kat sini pon murah. Satu hari tu memang boleh sangat nak budget rm5 jer. Huihui.

InsyaAllah lah boleh survive di Kelate dengan selamat (Weyyh, macam nak pergi perang). Kat sini pon banyak program dan mostly program2 yang ada memang menjaga batas antara lelaki pompuan. That's a very good thing lah. Haa, ada  sorang kakak senior cakap macam ni, "Awak mungkin tak suka awal2 kat Kelantan ni sebab tak biasa tapi lama2 nanti awak akan rasa duduk sini rasa tenang sangat" Kita tunggu dan lihat kayy.

All in all, Kelantan and USM is not as bad as I thought before. (Cehh, mcm x pernah duduk Kelantan) Im looking forward for more great memories.

saje pinjam gambar Lingesh sat

p/s: Doakan Sya dapat mengharungi hidup sebagai seorang  pelajar perubatan dan Mierah untuk cekal menyelesaikan assignmentnya yang bertimbun timbun :)

Just sharing my 2 cents
Raja Syazwani


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