Assalamualaikum and good day everyone.
This time around I'm gonna share with you guys a quote I stumbled upon while reading The Inferno by Dan Brown.
"The human mind has a primitive ego defense mechanism that negates all realities that produce too much stress for the brain to handle. It's called denial." - Sienna Brooks, a fictional character in Inferno by Dan Brown.
Contoh mudah ialah tidur. Siapa boleh jamin sebelum dia tidur, dia akan bangun esok hari? Jam loceng yang dikunci itu menunjukkan suatu pengharapan kepada hari esok. Biar mati itu pasti, tapi oleh kerana kita tidak tahu bila ia akan berlaku, we're in denial. We set alarm to wake up because we can deny the fact that we might die in our sleep. Maka pengharapan dan penafian wujud dalam masa yang sama. Jika tiada penafian, mungkin kita tidak akan tidur pun.
Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors (not that I have many since I'm not really an avid reader). I like the way he puts his words. I also like the way he included history in his books. I like facts (doesn't mean I'm good at memorizing them), so his books kinda drawn me to it. I guess that's all.
Yours truly,
Mierah aziz.
P/s: psssttt I have Instagram account now. Do follow me at @mierahaziz_ . See ya ;)