Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hello Jakarta!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hai gaiz. It has been a while, it has been a while.

So today, I would like to officially state that I am doing my undergraduate study in Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta (along with Shafiqah, Mubin, Bella, Nadh, Bee, Mak [bukan nama sebenar] dan Afi).

The Squad

Because synchroners everywhere lol
We arrived in Jakarta on 23rd August 2016. We were welcomed by a few people from Universitas Trisakti (Usakti) and from MARA Indonesia.

Sekejap je naik flight pun. Hahahaha.
 Okay, let's talk about Jakarta first.

1. Jakarta's streets always have heavy traffic. A 10-minute-journey can take 30 minutes. Kalau kat Malaysia, kita panggil jam. Diorang panggil macet. Jakarta's drivers' driving skills are on the next level, you know. Kalau la diorang bawa kereta macam ni kat Malaysia, aku rasa habis kena maki hamun dengan Malaysians haha. When walking at their streets, the thing you need to do is just keep on walking. The cars will stop to allow you pass them. Seriously.

The jalan is soooo macet *sigh*

2. Indonesia has cheap goods. FALSE! Reset your mind guys. I don't know about other parts of Indonesia, but Jakarta has high living cost. Barang masak mahal. Makanan mahal. Baju mahal. Rumah mahal. Lagi mahal daripada duk Kuala Lumpur. I'm not over-exaggerating things because we cried our hearts out whenever we went to buy things that we need. Or maybe we still don't know where to buy cheap goods. I don't know haha.

Next, let's talk about Universitas Trisakti.

1. Usakti is the best private university for dentistry in Indonesia. The campus is clean and adequate. The facilities are awesome. Right, so i don't know what to talk anymore about the university. Haha.

Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi uolls

Moving on. The FOOD.

When we first arrived in Jakarta, I couldn't really eat their food. I would only eat a little. Because then, I would feel like vomiting (and I did, once). I guess, that's because I was still trying to adapt to their food. I didn't get diarrhea tho, which is yeay. After a while, I can eat normally.

Gambar lawa mcm ni mubin la yang snap

I've tried bakmi. It's noodles with soup, chilli paste, ketchup and dumplings. It tasted delicious. Aku makan sampai habis kot which is very surprising. lol.

I've tried bakso. Bella's uncle said the bakso is called bakso malang. And I don't know why but okay. Bakso contains meatballs, dumplings, soup and you can add chilli paste. The bakso that we tried also tasted delicious. And not to forget, cheap. lols.

Next, I've eaten nasi padang. Nasi padang is like nasi berlauk. It has white rice and you can choose which dishes you want to eat with eat. The one that we ordered, tasted decent. When I say decent, it means that I can still eat it lol.

And not to forget, Indonesia's famous alpukat jus or avocado juice. I'm not a fan of this juice but my friends like it a lot. So, yeah.

What we have next? Um... Ah yes, we went to Malaysian Hall in Indonesia. Oh god, I like going there, because I feel so close to home. People speaks bahasa melayu everywhere. Hoho. So the other day, on 31th August, we had our Independence Day celebration there. We were served with Malaysian cuisines. Got nasi lemak wehhhhhh rindu namatey. Got teh tarik, kuih lapis, kuey tiawwww and etc. Very malaysian. Then, there was a lot of malaysian kids everywhere (because they needed to make an opening performance earlier that day). I felt like kidnapping those kids because they were so adoghableeeeee.

At Kedutaan Besar Malaysia

Dengan hakak polis tau

I guess, this is it then. I'm too lazy to write longer. Ape2 roger kay.

Mierah Aziz.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Untitled :)

Hallu blog~

Lama dah tak update.

Rasa macam lama sangat dah tak menulis.

So, today, got few stories to tell

1. Mirah sambung belajar kat Indon.

Alhamdulillah, Mirah akhirnya dah dpt placement utk study setelah berbulan-bulan cuti. Cuti panjang sangat pon x best jgak klu tak produktif. Macam Rasya ni haaa. So, goodluck lah kat sana. Ingat pesan mak ni, ingat niat nak belajar betul2. InsyaAllah semua urusan dipermudahkan.

Go Dr Amirah!

2. Cuti dah nak habis!!!!
The best part of cuti is that rasa boleh enjoy membuang masa. Srius talk. Kalau macam dekat Uni, selalunya kejar masa dan kurangkan masa tak berkualiti. Rasa macam lajuuu jer masa berjalan. Kat rumah, kita relax2 jer. Buat benda yang susah nak buat waktu belajar. Contohnya, kurangkan caffein.
Detox kan semua caffein dlm badan tu. Hari tu waktu study week dah macam zombie dah.

Bila duduk rumah lama2 ni kan, ada lah jugak fikir apa yang kita patut baiki utk next sem sebab result sem baru2 ni, x de lah teruk sangat and x de lah okay sangat. Mungkin sebab sebelum ni pernah dapat teruk lagi.

Kalau yang dapat result "teruk" tu, percayalah yang ia akan membuatkan hampa rasa nak berusaha lebih. Yang penting, jangan duduk dalam comfort zone. Sebab boleh melalaikan. Note to myself.

Kalau ada yang waktu cuti ni tak belajar sangat, jangan risau. Enjoy every moment yang ada dengan family. Bak kata Dr Muhaya, elakkan manusia yang menyesal pasal masa lalu dan risau akan masa depan. Walhal masa sekarang ni yang berkuasa. Note to myself too.

Nah, lanje gambar Rizqy satu

Lots of love, RASYA

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello everyone.

Since I have sort of a lot of free time for a few months, I think will keep updating this blog. This is actually my essay that I submitted to my teacher given the topic 'Parenting'. I have this one in my laptop, so I thought I should just post it here. Hehe. Read it and don't forget to give your opinion in the comment section! I would love to read it ;)


The beautiful part of growing up is that you finally understood what your parents have taught you when you were a kid. I remember when my mother tried to make me do the house chores, I used to feel very burdened to do so. As time passed by, I have become a very independent person and I am very grateful for my mother and what she had taught me. I believe that development of a child must be the main focus of parenting because what one learn when he is young is what he will apply when he grow up.

Parents play a very crucial role in their children’s life. Our young generation is important to our country’s future and they are particularly moulded by their parents. To have skilful and highly independent generation, their parents must teach them since they are young. Parents can shower them with love, but not to the extent of pampering them. They should let their children feel failure but they need to give unconditional motivation and support towards their children. By doing so, a child can learn on its own and can become independent.

Overprotective parents might hinder their children’s learning ability. It is not a worrisome when the children are still living their parents, however the after-effect of parenting to the children when they grow up can be worrying. When the children grow up and have their own family, they will find it difficult to handle the marriage on their own. This might as well lead to neglection of their family. The situation is the same when at work. If a worker is too dependent on others, he might get left out, hence lowering his own motivation.

In a conclusion, parents should know their role in teaching their children and let them be independent. This is, of course, for their own sake. Reflecting back to the way my mother used to teach me, I now understand why it is very important to do the housework.


My IB exam result will be out in a few days time. Do pray for me, everyone!

Mierah Aziz.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Movie Review: Our Times

Image result for our times
The picture does not belong to me.
"We play the broken string of our instruments one last time" - Quentin Jacobsen, Paper Towns.

I know it is already late to make a review on this movie but whatever, I'll just post it anyway.


Do you ever feel tired of romance movies with almost same story line available in the market? Me too, until recently, a friend of mine suggested a movie which I found very fresh. In my opinion, this movie deserves to be watched by every walk of life who has been longing to breathe a new air of romance movie.

Our Times, a Taiwan movie, has truly, truly touched my heart and extraordinarily funny. The main character, named Lin Truly (played by Vivian Sung), is a below average high school girl, likes a boy, Ouyang Extraordinary, who is totally an opposite of her. He’s the top student, handsome and of course, very famous. Thanks to a chain letter, Lin Truly gains a new ‘friend’, named Hsu Taiyu (acted by Ta Lu Wang). However, almost like Choi Young Do in one of the most famous Korean dramas The Heirs, Hsu Taiyu is a bully. He is actually the head of a gangster group in the school.

Along the movie, Lin gets to know Hsu Taiyu and even starts to slowly fall for him as she sees another side of him. Sadly, Lin finds out that Hsu Taiyu likes Tao Minmin, a sort-of female version of Ouyang. She’s pretty, smart and everyone’s favourite. However, a conflict arises when Ouyang starts to like Lin Truly. At a point, Lin realized that she must let her love be known. But the question is, will she choose Ouyang whom she has crush since forever or will she fight for Hsu Taiyu even though she knows he likes someone else?

Unlike Indonesia’s Remember When love triangle drama, it manages to remind us back our high school times. When we fought for what we believe, even though our adults’ views were completely different. When we had good laughs with our bestfriends, even though our minds felt like exploding. They all blended in.

Other than that, I also like the script in the movie. The one I remember the most is when Lin Truly tells Hsu Taiyu that “If a girl says that she is fine, she is not”. I hate it how the scriptwriters managed to produce accurate and relatable lines. But I guess that what makes the movie very close to my heart.

With well-written script, backed with very touching songs and a great line of actors, this movie should be everyone’s favourite. Congratulations to the whole production team. I am amazed.

Tell us what you think about the movie in the comment section below!

Mierah Aziz.

Friday, March 11, 2016

5 minutes expression

I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say, " Because of you, I dint give up"

Oh my, this caption really touches my heart.

Can I be someone's inspiration?
In what aspect?
Is it possible?

I cant take care of myself but then I want to help other people? Hehh, just forget about it.
But I do enjoy when people share their problems with me. Just listen and learn from their story.
People can give advice but the best support is through actions.

Start from basic, I really need to put myself together now. Have a stable spiritual and emotional status.

Just remember how stupid I am during my highschool. Do I really want to repeat the same mistakes?

I got goals. The reasons for me to stay strong in facing this life. I need to be strong. The people wont be nice as you thought they will be.

I got friends, here in USM but they are just friends. Yes, indeed I can learn a lot about their personality, behaviour etc is not the same. Friends who really can accept my flaws. Friends that I can really trust with all my heart. Although now i have problems in trusting people.

Most importantly, I need to trust myself. How can people trust you if you dont trust urself? Be someone with 'hati kering', taking care of others nicely although they treat you like shits. Be a person people wont forget. Can you do it?

I guess there is more to come. You are just being childlish. Please start growing up Rasya.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Inferno by Dan Brown


Assalamualaikum and good day everyone.

This time around I'm gonna share with you guys a quote I stumbled upon while reading The Inferno by Dan Brown.

"The human mind has a primitive ego defense mechanism that negates all realities that produce too much stress for the brain to handle. It's called denial." - Sienna Brooks, a fictional character in Inferno by Dan Brown.

Contoh mudah ialah tidur. Siapa boleh jamin sebelum dia tidur, dia akan bangun esok hari? Jam loceng yang dikunci itu menunjukkan suatu pengharapan kepada hari esok. Biar mati itu pasti, tapi oleh kerana kita tidak tahu bila ia akan berlaku, we're in denial. We set alarm to wake up because we can deny the fact that we might die in our sleep. Maka pengharapan dan penafian wujud dalam masa yang sama. Jika tiada penafian, mungkin kita tidak akan tidur pun.

Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors (not that I have many since I'm not really an avid reader). I like the way he puts his words. I also like the way he included history in his books. I like facts (doesn't mean I'm good at memorizing them), so his books kinda drawn me to it. I guess that's all.

Yours truly,
Mierah aziz.

P/s: psssttt I have Instagram account now. Do follow me at @mierahaziz_ . See ya ;)


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