"I just want to feel this moment" - Christina Aguilera , Feel This Moment .
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. folks :)
Thanks for reading this so-called blog of mine and rasya .
Who ?
Well , here goes nothing . My name is Nur Amirah binti Che Abdul Aziz ( lulz , macam budak darjah satu perkenalkan diri . haha ) . Orang panggil aku , Mierah Aziz . The Mierah Aziz . OMG macam femes gilerr ... hahaha . Fun fact , I laugh a lot . haha . See ? I'll write in the most formal way you can ever imagine . Really ? Well , IDK . haha . Mengarut . Lulz .
Rasya ? She's Raja Syazwani Farhanah . I call her Rasya , for short . You know , RAja SYAzwani ... so , Rasya ! haha . Fun fact about her , I still cannot remember her father's name . Too long ... With raja something something . Sorry Rasya . I'm very , very sorry . I feel like killing myself right now . Ouh , how dramatic -.-' Lulz .
Both of us were former students of MRSM Pengkalan Chepa ( sobs . former student doh ) . But but , we're not classmates . I was in Nukman , Rasya was in Khawarizmi . Nukman rocks than Khawarizmi , that's for sure . haha . I'm kidding , okay ? Rasya will going to kill me for sure . haha .
I'm Mek Budu , hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm from Kelantan . Rasya's Mek Keropok Lekor , lulz , Rasya orang Terengganu la ... Na , na , na , na , na , ganu kite ~ Lulz .
Macam mana kitorang boleh rapat ?
haha . Macam tulah . Masa tu bulan Ramadhan . Berbuka puasa , solat Maghrib dan Isya' kat Dewan Bitara , MRSM Pengkalan Chepa . And the story goes on and on and on , that's it , folks . hahahahahahahah lulz .
I think that's all about it . Nanti Rasya top-up la ape-ape .
Sincerely ,
Mierah Aziz
Rasya yang pakai baju pink tu and aku yang pakai tudung merah kat belakang tu . Lulz . Melawak je . Aku kat tengah . Rasya takde dalam gambar ni . hahahahahahahahahahahahha kbai :) |